ABCC Application


American Business Card Club

Membership Information

ABCC logo

Business Card Collecting is lots of fun. It’s entertaining, educational, challenging and rewarding too!

COLLECT BUSINESS CARDS:  Why not? Those cards have been around for centuries, and folks used to collect business cards long before anyone even heard of baseball cards, or even baseball.  Young and old alike used to collect cards for the pure enjoyment of it and they still do. It’s Fun!

HOW TO DO IT:  Business cards are made to be given away – free. Businesspeople of all kinds use those cards to advertise, and most of them are very willing to give a card, or even several cards, to just about anybody that asks for them.  You can find new cards everywhere you go and they are different from place to place.  Your collection might grow very quickly to hundreds or even thousands of cards.

THE AMERICAN BUSINESS CARD CLUB:  The ABCC was established in 1980 as a club for people who collect business cards to unite. Back then there were only 15 members, but today we have lots of members all over the U.S. and around the world.  Most members exchange business cards through the mail.

AS A NEW ABCC MEMBER:    (1) You’ll receive your Official ABCC Membership Card. (2) You will receive a current ABCC Membership List with the names and addresses of all our members and the different categories they collect. (3) “Card Talk” the Official ABCC Newsletter is mailed monthly to our members. “Card Talk” includes interesting and informative articles and news about the world of business cards. It also includes member’s ads, information about new members, “Member of the Month”, birthdays and more. (4) As a member you are able to put an ad in at no charge.

JOIN THE ABCC TODAY!  Print the application form below, fill it out, and mail it with your payment.  Dues run from January to December and are prorated. U.S. is $15., Canada is $24, and other than U.S. or Canada is $33.. You can also use Pay Pal and attach the application, payment to .

Yes! Make me the newest member of the American Business Card Club!


Please Print: Name _________________________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________________


City/State/Zip __________________________________ EMAIL: ________________________


 Do you want to participate in the Birthday Club?  If so please list Month & Day of Birth  ____/____


Do you want to exchange cards with other ABCC Members?  Y N (Circle one)


My Favorite categories are: ______________________________________________________________






Page Updated 5/11/24

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