Welcome to the American Business Card Club site!

Darrell Christopher, Founder
Ryan DeVries, President, 2014 Holland Ave Unit # 738 Port Huron Michigan
USA 48060
Jim Sweeney, Newsletter Editor, ABCC #631, 5133 Norbeck Road, Rockville,
MD 20853-2259
Jim Thompson,
Finances and Treasurer
Teresa Byrd, Auctions Coordinator
Suzanne Lanoue, Website EditorCARDS NEEDED! Please donate your unwanted cards by contacting Ryan or Teresa (above). HISTORY:
The club has been around for 25 years and had 900 members in the
past. There are currently 81 active members.
Why not? Those cards have been around for centuries, and folks used to collect
business cards long before anyone even heard of baseball cards, or even
baseball. Young and old alike used to collect cards for the pure enjoyment of
it, and they still do. It's fun!
Business cards are made to be given away --- free. Business people of all kinds
use those cards to advertise, and most of them are very willing to give a card,
or even several cards, to just about anybody who asks for them. You can find new
cards anywhere you go, and they are different from business to business and from
store to store. You might find some real treasures, even in the most unexpected
places. Your collection might grow very quickly to hundreds or even thousands of
The ABCC was established in 1980 as a club for people who collect business
cards. We have
members all over the U.S., and some around the world. We exchange business cards
through the mail. As a member of the ABCC, you, too, can get cards from other states,
provinces, and countries all over the globe.
When you join the club, you receive a member's list, but we have decided not to
put the members' list online, for the sake of their privacy.
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